Pink, Prince, and Vince Gatton

Although he's a self-proclaimed old man, playwright and actor,  Vince Gatton, is just a rebel waiting to rock.

What was your anthem at sixteen?

Talking Heads' Road To Nowhere. I was thrown an amazing surprise 16th birthday party, and the Little Creatures album was a big part of my memory of that day. 

In the movie of your life, what song would score the montage of all the rebellious things you've done? 

My most rebellious acts were all xxx rated, I was otherwise pretty stodgy. So, Prince's Kiss.

Favorite song of rebellion or revolution- the one that makes you roll down the car windows or turn up the volume?

Look, I've been a crabby old man sitting on my porch yelling at kids to get off my lawn since I was twelve. I love kd lang, cast albums, and songs that make me cry, so I'm the crappiest person to answer this question. However...I can't resist rocking out to Living Colour's Cult of Personality and Pink's So What.

If you could perform any combat-boot-kicking song with any Cherry Picker, which song would you choose and with whom?

Heart's Barracuda  with Nicole Golden.

Absolute rebel girl crush?

P!nk. Everything about Pink awakens my latent rebel urges.

Three must-have summer songs on your playlist?

I tried to think of things that would make me sound rebellious and cool, but they were all lies. The truth? B-52s' Love Shack, The Proclaimers' I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles), Scissor Sisters' Take Your Mama.

Any additional comments?

I am old. 

Don't miss Vince onstage at this year's Cherry Picking, and be sure to catch his play, STATUS UPDATE at this year's festival.